Freckles/brown spots Treatment
Freckles are 1-2 mm flat tan spots that are slightly reddish or light brown spot which on the skin due to repeated exposure of the skin to the sun. They form when your skin exposed to ultraviolet light and typically fade in the winter. They mostly develop on the face, arms, neck, back, chest as these areas are more exposed to sunlight.Genetics also play a major role in the development of freckles. People with red, blonde, or light brown coloured hair and light-coloured skin and eyes are more likely to develop freckles. They might appear even for children of 1 or 2 years of age. Freckles are quite harmless, and rarely they may turn into skin cancer.
Freckles are treated rarely, but there were several safe methods available to lighten or reduce the impact of freckles. Usually, a combination of treatments is suggested for exceptional results. Freckles can re-occur even after the treatment with repeated UV exposures.
Creams: Sunscreens are the most effectively protects for the treatment of freckles.It protects your skin from sunlight. Products having retinoids are used in combination of bleaching creamsto treat freckles. One should use them under the guidance of a dermatologist. They help to lighten freckles if they are used over some time.
Chemical peels: Use of chemical peels can also help to lighten and improve irregular pigmentation of freckles.
Cryosurgery: Flash freezing with liquid nitrogen at freckles spot can be used to treat some types of freckles. It is one of the safest and high success rate procedures.
Laser treatment: Here, multiple types of lasers are used to lighten or decrease the appearance of the freckles safely and efficiently. Like cryosurgery, this is also a safe and simple procedure with a high success rate. Risk of scarring or skin discolouration is very minimal in this procedure.
At the end of the day, Dr.Ishani assures you to sort out your pigmentation problems. We can effectively provide treatment for any skin problem. Book an appointment and get cured.